Category Archives: ODD & FUN

BURBANK, CA: A Fake Relationship Saving Station Installed At IKEA, And It Might Just Save Your Marriage

By Precision Agent Editor April 20,2017 12:46 am
Posted in ODD & FUN 63

Few things can strain a marriage quite like a trip to IKEA, which is probably why this funny “Relationship Saving Station” recently popped up in one of the famous flat-pack furniture stores in Burbank, California. “Shopping can be stressful,” reads the sign. “Here are 5 quick ways to ease tension with a loved one.” The […]

Cartoonist And Dad On The Hilarity Of Raising Children Today

By Precision Agent Editor April 18,2017 7:19 pm
Posted in ODD & FUN 57

Over the past five years, dad and cartoonist Chris Grady has grown a following with his funny web comic, Lunarbaboon. From loud toys to tireless nights to full-on tantrums, the comic insights the Toronto-based fathers experiences raising his two young children. On April 4, Grady released a compilation of his top parenting comics calledLunarbaboon: The Daily Life of Parenthood. Lunarbaboon: The […]

How kids had fun before Smartphones

By Precision Agent Editor April 13,2017 1:43 am
Posted in ODD & FUN 207

Kids today might find this hard to believe, but there really was a span in time when smartphones didn’t lie. But how did they entertain themselves ?. How did they exist without instantaneous and constant better access to humorous videos of felines being cats and beings failing at stuff? Well, actually, they organized just fine. […]